I specialise in creating and facilitating arts and craft workshops for all ages by using sustainable material. I provide a wide range of workshops that incorporates creativity and ecological awareness by using the 3 R's: reduce waste, reuse resources, and recycle materials. I am currently working as a Art tutor for Stockton Learning and Skills writing and delivering courses. I am also an accredited Arts Award Adviser for awarding body Trinity College London and can deliver the Arts Award programmes. I have worked with some amazing North East based companies and organisations such as local Councils, Charities such as MIND, Steller Projects, Noway out, Festival of Thrift, festivals and many other businesses in the North East of England and community groups.
I have also diversified to working virtually by delivering workshops and creative content for local councils , festivals like Yorkshire food and drink festival as well as delivering our own lock down virtual crafting club, and school holiday programmes.
What I do:
Write and deliver a full workshop programme from individual day group work to long term, including risk/safety and full planning.
Can work to individuals tailored ideas
Write and create virtual content.
Work at a OFSTED Level "Good" and "Outstanding" from observations.
I am also a Art Tutor for Learning and Skills which has just been awarded "Good" by Ofsted August 2023.
If you would like to discuss a workshop please get in touch by clicking the link below.